Managing your
thyroid health

To manage your thyroid health, it is important to note the following:
Aged Over 50?

Your doctor may give you a lower dose
If you’re over 50 your doctor may give you a lower dose of Eltroxin than a younger person might take, especially if you have diabetes or have heart problems.
They may also ask you to take a different dose on alternative days.
It is very important not to forget to take your Eltroxin. If you need help remembering which pill to take and when, talk to your pharmacist.
Pregnant or Planning To Become Pregnant?
If you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant, there are some special things you need to know
If you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant, a test for an underactive thyroid is not normally or automatically requested. If you have concerns about possible thyroid issues, discuss them with your doctor.
If your doctor thinks there might be an issue, they will arrange for a blood test. If the blood test shows you have an underactive thyroid, your doctor may request more blood tests at different stages throughout your pregnancy.
If you are prescribed Eltroxin by your doctor, it is important you take it for your health and your baby’s brain development.
During your pregnancy, your doctor will monitor you closely and may need to adjust your dose throughout your pregnancy. In some situations, your doctor might also want you to see a specialist.
Tell your doctor if you are taking any new medicines
Some medications or supplements can change the effect of thyroid hormones therefore it is important your doctor knows all the medicines and supplements you are taking.
Blood Tests